Aria Lavellan

done by @PantheraMads

Birthday: 11 Justinian 9:19 DragonPronouns: She/TheyRomance: SeraClass: Knight-Enchanter who uses mostly ice/lightning magic as well as shapeshifting magic(rarley in combat)

Personality: Idealistic, Emotional, Opinionated, Curious, Introverted(at first),

Aria became a hunter's apprentice at 15, but shortly after beginning her apprenticeship, she showed signs of having magic and began training as the Keeper's Second. Although she enjoyed what she was learning and her new abilities, Aria was initially very angry about being made to stop her apprenticeship because she no longer spent her time exploring the surrounding area. As she got older, she relished learning Dalish lore/learning how to read written Elvish but still yearned to explore and learn about the wildlife around her. At 18 years old, Aria received Mythal's vallaslin; when celebrating the milestone with others of the clan, she got too drunk and fell out of a tree. She now has a scar on her left cheek and a scar that goes from the base of her left ear to the tip.

Shortly before Aria's 20th year, clan Lavellan lost their First, Paya, to Templars after a dispute with a merchant. Although Paya left with the Templars quietly in hopes of protecting Clan Lavellan, Keeper Deshanna was not willing to risk the safety of the clan and reluctantly moved them south. After being safely relocated, Aria was made First and the clan reduced their interactions with outsiders.

At 22 years old, Aria was sent by Keeper Deshanna to the Conclave to observe the talks between the mages and Templars. After the explosion, and walking out of the fade, she was given the title "Herald of Andraste". Although Aria holds a deep mistrust of the Chantry, she stayed when the Inquisition was formed knowing it was her best chance of being healed from the anchor that was slowly killing her. During her time in Haven, she struggled to adjust to her new way of life and spent every chance she had exploring the area around Haven alone(to the advisors' frustration).

The attack on Haven and Aria's miraculous survival solidified many people's thoughts that she is Andraste's Herald and the Inquisition is backed by the Maker(she hates it). When they reach Skyhold, Aria's chosen to lead the Inquisition, and while she is very reluctant to take the title of Inquisitor, she eventually accepts it because it is the right thing to do(and she wants to use her influence to protect her clan, elves and improve the treatment of mages).

Although Aria struggles to manage the new responsibilities of being the Inquisitor and dealing with Thedas' nobility, one of the very few benefits is that it has given her the ability to learn about/visit places she would have never seen as Keeper(or even as a hunter). She also enjoys Skyhold's extensive library and the fact that she can use her position as Inquisitor to find books she'd usually never have a chance to read.

While Sera was initially hesitant of Aria because she’s a Dalish mage, they quickly became friends while sharing drinks in the Singing Maiden and throwing miniature ice sculptors of animals that Aria made at the shack north of the lake in Haven. Unlike Sera, Aria enjoyed her company from the start and appreciated the sense of levity the rogue always carried. Shorty after arriving at Skyhold they begin dating.

During the events of Inquisition/Tresspasser both positions of the tarot card apply to Aria
Upright meaning: hope, inspiration, faith,
Reversed meaning: despair, negativity, lack of faith, despondence

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